Saturday 7 November 2015

Revolutionary Platinum-based Chemistry: A New Hopeful for Cancer Therapy

As many would agree, one of the most well-known treatments that cancer patients undergo is chemotherapy. Today, it is not unusual for platinum compounds to be used in chemotherapy - cisplatin is a notable example.

Above: False-colour electron micrograph of cancer cells (Source: Wellcome Collection)

In medicine, particularly pharmacology, the shape of molecules are extremely important. In cisplatin, the oxidation state of platinum is +2 and the molecule is said to be square planar. This means that all of the atoms lie in the same plane, forming a square if you were to join up the atoms with imaginary lines. Each of the groups, Cl- (Chloride - with an oxidation state of -1) and NH3 are called ligands, and because each of the different groups are on the same side of the molecule, the platinum compound is said to have a cis structure. In the body, cisplatin's basic chemistry works as follows:

Since, in the bloodstream there is a high concentration of chloride ions, none of the ligands on the molecule are substituted (NHgroups are more resistant to this substitution). However, once inside the cell the environment is very different. In fact, there is a much lower concentration of chloride ions, and the chloride ligands are replaced by water molecules. Now the cisplatin compound is activated. This is a perfect illustration of Le Chatelier's principle:

"If a dynamic equilibrium is disturbed by changing the conditions, the position of equilibrium moves to counteract the change"
(Source: Chemguide)

Above: Displayed formula of cisplatin

Although cisplatin  has proved effective, over the years, several similar drugs such as carboplatin have been produced to maximise efficiency and potency. The drug works by disrupting cell replication, thus leading to cell apoptosis (death). The mechanism for this relies on the substitution of those chloride ligands for water molecules once inside the (cancer) cell. From this point, nitrogen atoms from the nucleotides forming DNA substitute the water molecules. Water molecules tend to be easily replaced. In this situation, cisplatin  is effectively bound to the DNA, causing the nucleotide chain to bend due to formation of a 'kink'. In DNA replication, the shape of DNA is very important and many checks are made by feedback mechanisms to make sure the cell has proceed to divide by mitosis. Once cisplatin is bound, mitosis can no longer take place - cell death results.

However, current research into the field of photoactive compounds has proved promising - the research could be a step to producing cancer drugs that can be activated at the tumour site using lasar technology. Firstly, let us consider the properties of platinum. It has a silverly coloured surface (without tarnish) and is used in catalysis - catalytic converters in road vehicles is an example. So why does this metal prove useful in the body? Platinum is considered a relatively safe, it is said to be biologically compatible due to it's inability to react with body tissue. However, in medicine, what we are more concerned about is whether we can use platinum compounds. In fact, these compounds are used but scientists are aware of the toxicity of such substances. Platinum ions that are bonded to several ligands help to channel potential toxicity in a useful way, often to produce life-saving drugs.

The challenge now is to produce treatments that are even more localised to the cancer cells. This is inevitably the subject of research in universities and pharmaceutical corporations across the globe. Existing cancer drugs work well simply because cancer cells are subject to more damage than normal body cells - cancer cells proliferate at a faster rate. Note however that normal body cells can still become affected. As many may have experienced, the side effects of chemotherapy can be quite extensive, nausea and kidney damage to name a couple. The human body is simply trying to reject the foreign substance introduced, and this is what drives scientists to look for new solutions. 

The key fact to know is that whilst cisplatin and other similar drugs are not tumour specific, how they are activated can be controlled. Platinum, like many other transition metals, have multiple oxidation states. Platinum(IV), Pt4+ complexes 'have been proven to be inactive and non-toxic inside cells, but only in the dark' (Source; Chemistry Review Volume 24, Number 4). One reason for this is to do with the shape of these platinum(IV) complexes. With an oxidation state of +4, platinum is able to form 6 bonds to ligands in an octahedral arrangement. Remember than a platinum(II) compound can only form 4 bonds with ligands in a square planar structure. This higher oxidation state enables the molecule to be less reactive and therefore ligands tend to be become replaced. This is very relevant, recall that cisplatin has it's chloride ion ligands replaced by water molecules once inside the cell. However, it is important to remember that the reduced reactivity in the case of platinum(IV) compounds is true in the dark. These compounds can be photo-activated - light enables the configuration of the molecule to change. This process is irreversible:

Above: The photo-activation of a platinum complex - X and Y denote alternative ligands (Source: Chemistry Review Volume 24, Number 4)

This reaction is able to occur to due to the phenomenon of electron transition. An election which absorbs light energy is able to be promoted to a higher energy state, and therefore a higher energy orbital with an atom. In transition metal chemistry, it is common knowledge that when ligands bond to the central metal ion, this causes the d-orbitals of the metal ion to split. The orbitals are split into two levels, one with a higher energy level than the other. The very fact that these complexes can absorb light energy means that transition metal complexes are often colourful. During the above reaction, electrons in the central metal ion 'jump' to a higher energy level. Any remaining light that is not absorbed is reflected back. These electron transitions can cause multiple changes, such as a change in oxidation state of the central ion, or substitution of ligands. Controlling this activation could indeed be a useful tool in cancer therapy, it could potentially have wider applications in medicine. After activation, the cisplatin-like compound can then perform it's anti-cancer wonders. 

Above: Diagram showing that the energy of a particular wavelength of light is equal to the energy required to promote an election to a higher energy level (Source: Chemguide)

Using these platinum compounds does leave room for flexibility. For example, scientists would be able to change the ligands to vary the amount of light energy absorbed (to cause d-orbitals to split). However, getting this energy quota just right is a challenge, and is still the subject of research. 

So what are the applications in cancer treatment? Any treatments should be as safe as possible, so it is important what type of light should be used to activate the platinum complexes inside the body. Now, most complexes tend to be activated by blue or even UV light, however these frequencies of light do not penetrate tissue as well as red light does. Bear in mind that UV can damage tissue - red light seems a relatively safe option. A compromise must be made as red light would mean that it is less likely that a complex would be activated. Nonetheless, 'some promising Pt4+ complexes have been made, which are non-toxic in the dark but once activated have a high toxicity towards cancer cells'. After all, it is completely dark inside the body, therefore a laser would need to be used to activate the chosen drug. A laser would be a suitable choice due to it's precision - it would be much less likely that a healthy body cell would be affected (Source: Chemistry Review Volume 24, Number 4)

As with any new treatment, this new concept would need to be subject to vigorous testing through a series of clinical trials. Safety and effectiveness are two crucial criteria that will need to be evaluated during the course of these trials in future. 

Additional credit: Louise Tear who wrote an article in the Chemistry Review, which was inspired by an undergraduate research project completed under the guidance of Professor Peter Sadler.
Further credit: Professor Sadler who wrote a short piece for, 'Using precious metals to fight cancer', following research at The University of Warwick. 

Further reading: BBC, 'Chemists create new way to fight drug resistant cancer'.
Macmillan Cancer Support - 'Cisplatin - Cancer Information'

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