Sunday 13 July 2014

New Blood Test For The Detection of Alzheimer's

One of the big health stories that have emerged this week is the formulation of a new blood test which will have the potential 'to detect which people with failing memories will go on to develop Alzheimer's disease'. When I quote 'failing memories', what I am referring to is mild cognitive impairment. Statistically, 60% of those who have this form of memory loss go on to develop Alzheimer's. For the general public, it is imperative to note that this a diagnostic solution, not a cure. Nevertheless, getting a correct diagnosis with vast amounts of research can lead on to the synthesis of new drugs which can be used to treat the disease. Increases in research funding would allow scientists to draw closer to a solution - but this is difficult as scientific research isn't advancing at a rate we might think. There are inevitably restrictions due to funding and legal issues.

Only 'after a decades work', has this new blood test been derived which shows the unbelievable timescale of innovation. The test involves looking at 10 sets of proteins that are suspended in the blood. Kings College London in conjunction with Proteome Sciences have published the study. The claim is that this test 'can predict the onset of Alzheimer's in the next 12 months in people with memory problems with an accuracy of 87%'. The cost of such a test can be estimated at around £100 to £300.

Instantly in my brain I question the "87%" accuracy as I'm concerned that for a test as significant as this, a very high high accuracy is desired in order to diagnose the right people. Alzhiemer's and other forms of dementia are one of the most common diseases in our society - according to David Cameron, it "stands alongside cancer as one of the greatest enemies of humanity". I fear he is right. With an ageing population and with the development of the latest treatments to prolong life expectancy, epidemiological evidence says the incidence of these diseases are rising.

With this new test, the key turning point is that people will be identified as having the potential to go on to develop Alzheimer's. Not simply diagnosing those who have Alzheimer's. This is crucial. Read enough into the disease and you'll probably realise that Alzheimer's is very complex. This is why we need to diagnose people at the earliest opportunity. Professor Simon Lovestone from Kings College London puts it perfectly: "Alzheimer's begins to affect the brain many years before patients are diagnosed with the disease. Many of our drug trials fail because by the time patients are given the drugs, the brain has already been too severely affected".

The scientists in the investigation wrote for the journal Alzheimer's and Dementia, and investigated in a variety of proteins that have been linked to Alzheimer's before. Blood samples were taken from 1148 individuals. A large sample some may think, but the size of the problem we are confronting means the next stage for this test is for it to be trialled on around 5000-10000 people. 

A larger sample size means more reliability which will make this study more valid and thus promising. Also getting more accurate results with the test will reduce the risk of misdiagnosis which is outstandingly important. 

Personally I believe this to be positive and promising news, but we need to be sure that this will work. I hope that in the end this could develop into effective treatment for one of the most devastating diseases that exist in our society today. 

Credit to Sarah Boseley, health editor for The Guardian on the original article. More on the story can be followed here.

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